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Water: emulsifier of the imperceptible and perceptible.

Where hidden flows of energy take form, light, and color. The calmer the better. It’s proof of something. Hypnotic to the eye, we don’t know what. In evening still, a shoreline of timber is accompanied by its negative, lava lamp style, dripping downward in pitchy, molten gobs.

Illusions promise deeper levels meaning. At the limits of perception, they show our reality to be interacting with another reality. For their powers of abstraction they offer the purest aesthetic. To perceive them is personal and uncommunicable artistic practice.

In nature there are no illusions, only an illusion of illusions. That is, there are only shortcomings of our senses, and the degree to which we take our senses literally.

What water does: I sit in front of a lake with my mind in a way that is possible nowhere else.

I see only the surface. But if I keep looking, it says, I might stop seeing; see beyond it.